Spring in the woods.

Okay, this isn’t going to be about craft but I want to post these pictures because I’ve been to a lovely place and I took some photographs. We went to Dorset this weekend and went for a walk in the woods.

path through the woods

I’m feeling a bit peeved over the quality of the pictures I’m taking so this is me trying to practise. However, taking pictures of crochet or sewing on a dull day is a bit different to clicking away when surrounded by the beauty of the woods. Plus, these might still seem crappy to others…

bluebells and garlic

We usually come here once a year to look at the bluebells and wild garlic and to have a family barbeque not too far away.

dorset spring

I love this spring. I am always tempted to drink from it. It probably gets deer and badger wee in it though, so it’s not a good idea.

peacock butterfly

This peacock butterfly didn’t move much, maybe it was dead?

spring at dorset

Fairies have got to living somewhere around here, surely. I saw a massive deer but it spotted me before I saw it and bolted. spring stream

The above picture is where I spotted the deer.

upon the faery hill

Those trees upon the hill is where we were. It could be a fairy hill?

wild garlic in spring

We are planning a camping holiday here in the summer. The children have never been camping before. It will be an interesting experience I’m sure!