Episode 22. Crochet Vlog

Happy New Year!! Hope you had a good one. So this is the first crochet podcast episode of the year (above pic is the link but also HERE). Not many links to share but there are photographs to look at:

Geo Rainbow c2c blanket is now on Ravelry

Granny inspo on Pinterest is Here. Beginning date for the Granny CAL is Feb 1st! More info to come soon.

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And I forgot to mention that my sister sent me a photo of herself in her colour block jumper! Here she is on the beach (fully clothed)…

Some pics of my Christmas presents… x

Oh, what have I done?! I vlogged myself!!!


What you’re about to see is somewhat of a car crash shambles but I’m biting the bullet and hitting publish. I could make more attempts but I reckon that’ll just prolong the agony.

So here we go, click on the image above to take a short journey to YouTube (I seem to recall embedding videos on here is a no go).

Here is how it happened….On wednesday morning (without really knowing what was going to happen) I got out my tripod and camera, hit record and just started talking. After that I put the files on the computer, downloaded a little jingle and then did what I usually do. I asked Husband for help. He just knows stuff. He found me a free bit of editing software (the one I’d found was questionable) and within a few minutes, he knew how to use it. I dutifully sat and watched, trying to take it all in. He’ll hand over the reigns at some point, and it’ll be me in charge. Oh crikey, what have I done?!

It hasn’t been plain sailing, I tried editing on my own at first and really messed things up. The computer crashed twice and a twenty minute video has taken four hours to upload! What’ll happen when I want a longer episode?! There is so much to learn but I also think this is a skilll worth learning. Wish me luck, won’t you!? And please subscribe to my channel!!





