Sewing felt

finished caseFor years I didn’t really get why people made stuff out of felt. I never really liked it as a medium. Then I realised it was because the things I’d seen were cheap and nasty and probably had glue blobbed over it.

I think it was last year when I decided to give playing with felt a try. I don’t recall what it was that made me want to try. I do remember thinking that the interest would wear off quite quickly though. But, what happened was I got more into it and more interested in adding details and seeing how small I could get things before the stitches frayed the teeny tiny pieces.

I’ve been trying to find examples of things I made first. This is the latest make:

P1090616It’s a needle case. It’s a present to myself but I haven’t swapped over any pins and needles yet because then, I might ruin it. It’s all hand sewn and made up from my head. I’ve made a few needle cases  over the last year. They make nice little presents.

deconstructed needlecase


Mostly they’ve had different designs stitched on the front too.  Here is one I made for my sister about six months ago:


This little mermaid was so lovely I made her twice. But because they’re handmade, the same design always looks different.

new mermaid

I think this badger brooch was an early make from two years ago. I still like him. I gave him to a little boy whose mum hangs it on her Christmas tree! He wasn’t the first felt thing I made but for now, I’ve given up trying to remember what was.



Hello, I’m new.

I feel like I’m late to a party. Here I am.  I have finally managed to work out how to blog! It’s something I started thinking about a very long time ago, I’ve been saying for at least two years I’d become a blogger.  Now it is time. Hello!

It’ll take a while to get my head around all the computery aspects of it but I’ve been making and creating arty things for years and would really like to record my progression and the processes it took to get there. I love to make things for others and sometimes feel sad when I say goodbye to whatever it is I’ve made. A photograph is my keepsake of the journey ( a bit like a serial killer and their weird trophies). Knowing that they’re just saved somewhere on a computer file and not getting looked at is a bit depressing so, this is one of many reasons  I have decided to actually do something about it.


I’m just a beginner, so bear with me. Things will be slow, or a bit wrong, but I will get there in the end!