Z&R Cardigan CAL 2024

Welcome to the Z&R Cardigan CAL!

Hello and welcome to the first post about my Cardigan CAL 2024!! I have been brewing this idea for a few weeks, ever since I thought about publishing two crochet cardigan patterns at the same time. (She Sells Seashells and Little Fluffy Clouds are being released on January 13th! – keep your eyes peeled for discounts as they’re on the way and don’t forget to scroll down to the end of this post for further info on both. That way, you can be prepared in advance!)

Starting January 13th and continuing throughout the first few weeks of 2024 and finishing at the end of March, I thought it would be a lovely idea to have a Crochet Along so that a community of crafters can come together and crochet cardigans. If we are all making patterns at the same time, wouldn’t it be great if we could chat to each other? Talk to each other about the patterns we’re making, and ask for advice on yarns, stitches and construction!?

She Sells Seashells Cardigan by Zeens and Roger

What is a CAL?

A CAL stands for Crochet Along. You may have also heard of a MAL (Make Along) and KAL (Knit Along). In a nutshell, it’s a fun get together where folks can encourage each other and have a fun time with like minded people. Participation can be as in depth as you choose. In the past, when I have hosted a CAL, there has been a fabulously diverse mix of makers of all different skill levels.

The social side of a CAL is a huge perk for me but it’s not the only reason for taking part. The sharing of ideas, as well as learning tips and tricks brings a disparate bunch of enthusiasts together, enriching what can be a quiet and solitary hobby. In other words, it’s loads of fun hanging out with your crochet mates!

There are other benefits too. Joining a CAL is the opportunity to try something new that you might not otherwise feel brave enough to make. A CAL can give you focus and encouragement so you can achieve your goal without the energy wearing off. It can remove the pressure of working out all the details too. And let’s not forget the potential for a prize or two!

There are lots of different platforms you can choose to hang out on. I’ve seen CALs hosted on Facebook, Instagram and Ravelry to name just a few.

Zeens and Roger, Little Fluffy Clouds cardigan

Which Cardigan Can I Make?

Ok, so here’s the bit I struggled with the most. I know that most CALs stick to one pattern but I cannot do it. I am always so indecisive and torn by choices. It seemed unfair to say you had to make just one crochet design when I don’t like being restricted myself. So, I have opened up the options a little bit.

It also allows me to make a cardigan of my choice too and seeing as I have already made samples of my own designs, I wanna make something different! I am going to make a cardigan designed by one of my friends, which you can find out about here on the CAL Discount and Prizes post!

I have put a little crochet cardigan bundle together on ravelry, for some different styles. A couple have free options but I have pulled together few friends who are offering discounts on their paid patterns too. A few fellow designers are offering 25% off their cardigan patterns so that you can make whichever one is your favourite. Or buy them all and save some crocheting for a later date!

How Do I Join in the Cardigan CAL?

To join the CAL all you need to do is crochet a cardigan during the first few months of 2024. If you join in the chat and share your progress, your name can also be added to a prize draw where I will pick one winner who will receive a lovely bundle of digital crochet patterns.

There are three different places to take part so it’s a bit more inclusive than just running it in just one place. Not everyone uses Instagram, for example. But fear not, you don’t need to participate in all three if you don’t want to. You only need to use your preferred social media platform.

Links to all three are below. We are live so you can get started on the chat straightaway!

The CAL Facebook Group

I have already set up the Facebook Group. Please forgive its current barebones, I don’t really use Facebook at the moment and haven’t added any bells and whistles. What I’m hoping for is to build a community there as I know it’s still a popular place for crochet chat.

Ravelry Cardi Chatter Thread

I have also set up a Cardigan CAL Ravelry forum as I know people love this platform for chatter threads and sharing progress. It has been a while since I used Ravelry for its forums but it is very easy to do.

Instagram Fun

If you’re an IG user, I’ll assume you’re familiar with sharing your pics on your feed. I would love to see all your progress shots, not just one finished photo at the end of the CAL. Keep active and people will see your hard work. Obvs, I don’t mean sharing every day but perhaps once every couple of weeks to keep in the loop. If you’re enjoying it and want to share more, go for it!

Use hashtags on Instagram to share what you’re making. #ZeensAndRoger #ZCardiCAL2024

Feel free to use both of these hashtags but the one I’ll use for the prize draw at the end is #ZCardiCAL2024

the perfect crochet cardigan
The Perfect Crochet Cardigan!

CAL Prizes?!

The prize draw is optional and just for fun. Ok, it’s an incentive to join in too but ultimately, this is the sort of thing I’d join even if prizes weren’t on offer! I might have a couple of runners up too, depending on what I can work out for the number of prizes there are at the end. I have already roped in a few friends who have offered some gorgeous patterns and discounts. It’s so good already! In previous CALs, I managed to boost the bundle even more throughout the CAL’s duration so if you’re a designer and would like to offer a digital pattern (It doesn’t need to be a cardigan pattern), please get in touch!

What I haven’t done yet is ask for you to join newsletters for me and my crochet friends, but please consider it as it’s a really helpful method of getting designers known by a wider audience. I very rarely send a newsletter but when I do it will be because I have discounts or free patterns to offer, or just some really exciting news to share!

At the end of the CAL, I will pull the names of participants together and draw names out of a hat. There isn’t much you need to do apart from being present in one or more of the community groups and/or use of hashtags on Instagram.

Prize info revealed here!!

The CAL Rules

I want this CAL to be as laid back as possible. This is for two reasons:

  • 1) I don’t want you to have to jump through hoops to join in.
  • 2) I want to do as little work as I can (sorry but it’s true! Haha). I just want to have fun watching all the cardis get made.

Therefore, this means there aren’t loads of rules. However, you can’t just dig out an already made cardigan from your wardrobe and enter that. No! That’s cheating. Here are the basics:

  • A cardigan is an open front sweater. This CAL is not for any other garments.
  • Please no WIPs, I would like you to start your cardigan at some point from the beginning of the CAL. By all means, start a week or two later if you’re not able to start on the 13th Jan. Even later if you’re a speedy crocheter and will still finish by the end of March.
  • You can double dip. So if you have seen another CAL or MAL and wish to enter that too, I have no objections.
  • You only need to join one of the groups above to be part of the CAL but you can be present in all three if you fancy.
  • This CAL is for everyone, whether you have just started to crochet or you’ve been hooking for decades, this crochet along is for you. Please remember to be respectful of what others are making.
JW Anderson crochet Cardigan

What Cardigan Are You Going To Make?

So, that just leaves you to choose which cardigan you fancy making! What will it be?!

Read on for the additional details about my own designs. …

Crochet cardigan patterns by zeens and roger

Little Fluffy Clouds

Dropping especially for the Cardigan CAL 2024 is Little Fluffy Clouds, a puff stitch cardigan in DK weight yarn. I have been working on this for more than two years!! Life kept getting in the way and I procrastinated way more than was necessary. However, I am over the moon to say that my crochet cardigan, Little Fluffy Clouds is live!!!

You can get 25% off the pattern and for the whole duration of the CAL. Discount news on all the cardigan patterns is here!

She Sells Seashells

I love wearing this cardigan, it’s warm yet light weight and uses an alpaca 4ply. It was first featured in Inside Crochet magazine back in the autumn. You can read about sizes and yarn quantities on Ravelry. I am pleased to say you can buy the crochet pattern independently in time for the CAL. And yes, it has the 25% discount!

Other Cardigan Patterns

I also have the Perfect Cardigan, a striped v-neck pattern, which has the discount as well.

And if you were trying to save bit of cash, don’t forget the JW Anderson inspired crochet cardigan, which is a free pattern here on my blog. It is also a great stash buster so you could absolutely raid lots of your leftover yarns to make that colourful crochet pattern.

I will come back and suggest some other cardi patterns soon too.

Thank You!!

Finally, a massive Thank You!! I have had such a ridiculously positive response about this crochet along, I’m thrilled that you want to join in. I often have sparks of inspiration but then chicken out in bringing them to fruition because I’m afraid it won’t be of interest. Without the enthusiasm from you guys, this idea would have been fleeting and surely fizzled out. Thank you very much.

If you have read through this post and it has raised a question, please let me know in the comments and I will address your queries in the next post.

Cheers. x

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